Peninsula Hardwoods, Inc.
Peninsula Hardwoods, Inc.
"Hardwood Mouldings and Products"
"Hardwood Mouldings and Products"

Quality products since 1981
1710 West Mill St. Peninsula, Ohio 44264
P 330-657-2701 Fax 330-657-2940
E-Mail: peninsulahardwoods@gmail.com
Quality products since 1981
1710 West Mill St. Peninsula, Ohio 44264
P 330-657-2701 Fax 330-657-2940
E-Mail: peninsulahardwoods@gmail.com
Welcome to Peninsula Hardwoods Inc. We are wholesale manufacturer of hardwood mouldings and wood products. We have been providing quality products and services for over 30 years. We manufacture our American made products at our facility in Peninsula, Ohio. We provide mouldings, custom mouldings, S4S Lumber, wood components and other services.
Click the link below to view our hardwood moulding catalog.
PeninsulaHardwoods Cat F Interactive.pdf (PDF — 765 KB)
Please contact us for any of your hardwood millwork needs. We will provide you with pricing, availability and lead times on any of our products or any of your custom needs.